On Trust and how it works in your Career !
This puts it so well there is nothing more to whichever side of the desk you are on ! So do you trust or are you trusted ? :-) Trust and Your Career !
What is Linkedin Upto ?
LinkedIn Source : Russ August & Kabat Has Filed A Nationwide Class Action Lawsuit Claiming LinkedIn's Email Practices Violate State And Federal Laws A nationwide class action lawsuit filed by Russ August & Kabat challenges LinkedIn’s disturbing practice of accessing users’ third-party email accounts (, Google's Gmail, Yahoo! Mail) without users’ consent, harvesting email addresses that appear in the account, and sending multiple reminder emails ostensibly on behalf of the user advertising LinkedIn to non-members. The class action lawsuit charges LinkedIn with violations of federal and state law. Source Document : Which is also put in Linkedin Case Action Case…
The Shoes Salesman in Africa !
The Shoes Salesman ! A Shoes Company sent its Salesman to explore business in country in Africa. The Salesman on his arrival walked down the road, and saw the people there who were mainly tribal. Walking barefoot with no shoes. And no Shoe Shop there either ! Disappointed at what he was seeing he sent a telegram to his boss, "EXTREMELY DIFFICULT TO SELL FOOTWEAR HERE. NO ONE EVEN KNOWS ABOUT SHOES ! The Boss asked him to return and instead sent his Star Salesman in his place. Walking down the same road, this Salesman saw the same things. Too…
Social Media Recruitment-why you may NOT get the Job
Here is why : Digital Reputations and Networks and their use in what is known as " Social Media Recruitment " Interviewing has ALWAYS been a Two Way Street ! While before, this " Street "had manageable traffic, now it is exploding exponentially. The Social Media Networking we are doing as a matter of routine ( including while we are supposedly " on the job " ! ) , egged on by all the major Sites and the Media is responsible for the "Digital Dirt " we are spreading all over the Digital Highways. And this is the dirt being…
Jeff Weiner ( LinkedIn CEO’s ) ideal World
Jeff Weiner - CEO Linked in says " Imagine a world in which every job opportunity, full-time and temporary, was digitally searchable and linked to the appropriate company and skills required to obtain the position. Now imagine if the 153 million people in the workforce -- or billion people in the global workforce -- had a digital profile, highlighting their experiences, skills and, most importantly, their ambitions. Each of those individuals would be empowered to develop their professional identities, networks and knowledge and subsequently not just find jobs, but also map and fulfill their ideal career paths. Qualified candidates could…
Refer to your Referees !
Just off the phone from the Managing Director of a Company . Interesting lesson learnt, so thought of sharing ! Hope it helps your Career along Right References Count ! We are working at a Senior Level position. Today was the second round of interview for one candidate of ours. Candidate knew someone ( say Mr. " X" ) in a Company ( say ABC Ltd. ) the MD had previously worked for. And in passing, ( to enhance his credibility, perhaps ? ) mentioned this to the MD. And reconfirmed that he knows Mr. "X" very well who is…