
Persistence and Determination

On Persistence “Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan “press on” has solved and will always solve the problems of the human race.” –Calvin Coolidge John Calvin Coolidge was the 30th President of the United States (1923–1929). He had a reputation as a man of decisive action and became the Vice President in 1919, succeeding to the Presidency…
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Failure is not fatal, that to change might be….

Failure "Failure is not fatal, that to change might !" - John Wooden John Robert Wooden (October 14, 1910 – June 4, 2010 ) was an American basketball player and coach. * Won ten NCA National championships in a 12-year period—seven in a row—as head coach at UCLA, an unprecedented feat. Named national coach of the year six times. Renowned for his short, simple inspirational messages to his players. So did you fail or succeed today ? Share in !
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Career Tips

The Shoes Salesman in Africa !

The Shoes Salesman ! A Shoes Company sent its Salesman to explore business in country in Africa.  The Salesman on his arrival walked down the road, and saw the people there who were mainly tribal. Walking barefoot with no shoes. And no Shoe Shop there either ! Disappointed at what he was seeing he sent a telegram to his boss, "EXTREMELY DIFFICULT TO SELL FOOTWEAR HERE. NO ONE  EVEN KNOWS ABOUT SHOES ! The Boss asked him to return and instead sent his Star Salesman in his place. Walking down the same road, this Salesman saw the same things. Too…
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