How Important are Communication Skills ?
Excellent Communications make a Prime Minister , Silent Sloggers look sinister ;-) RT if u agree ! #topjobtips #communicate #narendermodi
The Salary Question !
Negotiate Better your Salary ! This is one of the most asked question by pretty much anyone involved in the Recruiting process - whichever side you are on. And does lead to sometimes rather bad consequences- ultimately for the candidate. Different people have widely varying takes on this. Some say don't talk about it, leave it for " later ", employer should not be asking about it anyways, name a "higher" figure since invariably there will be negotiations later, be armed with salary information of that company before hand .......etc., Here is my take as a Recruiter. CAVEAT : This…
Stress !
This says it all on Stress and our Careers ! Feel free to add your Diamond and Stress A piece of Charcoal when may become a Diamond, better than the best !
The Management Trainee Interview
The Management Trainee Interview A gem of a Management Trainee Interview ;-) Reminds me of some I have heard about ( although not actually faced, thankfully :-) ) ..have you faced any similar ? Do you think it works ? Have a look at the video below and decide !
On Trust and how it works in your Career !
This puts it so well there is nothing more to whichever side of the desk you are on ! So do you trust or are you trusted ? :-) Trust and Your Career !
Keep a Career Diary !
In the very fast paced time we seem to be living in, I wonder if any one keeps a Diary anymore ? We seem to be doing all our sharing immediately on “ Social “ networks rather than within us in a more reflective mode. Yet, I think keeping a " Career Diary " only for yourself can help one in life as well as career. Here is how ! a) Venting A Career Diary Bad day at work ? Boss snarled at you ?Juniors stinking you up ? Your journal can take your response to all this – and…